Sex Education Essays (Examples)

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Sex Education
Pages: 6 Words: 1713

Sex Education in Schools: The Comprehensive vs. The Abstinence Approach
The emergence of the Information evolution has led to profound discoveries that have resulted to the development and improvement of living conditions in the human society. Limitless and various information about anything can be found in a second, through the help of Internet technology and other innovations generated by new technologies and research in science. Cures for serious illnesses, news about current events, and other issues important and significant are available within our reach through the media. However, as human civilization embark into yet another momentous year of Information evolution, there have been little said and documented about sex education and awareness in the society, especially among the younger generation of the society, comprised of the adolescents and early adults of the society.

This particular social group in the society is the targets of the society's campaign for the proliferation of sex…...



Forrest, S. "Teacher-Led Sex Education -- Pupil Engagement and Discomfort Explored." Winter 2003. Sex Education Matters Magazine.

Hobden, J. "Giving Young People A Voice -- and Listening to What They Say." Spring 2002. Sex Education Matters Magazine.

Santrock, J. "Psychology" (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 2001.

Sex Education." Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2002. Microsoft Inc. 1998.

Sex Education
Pages: 2 Words: 560

Sex education is an important aspect of youth welfare and health programs. Given the highly active sexual life of high school teenagers in our nation it is only judicious to stress the importance of using condoms in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Nationwide statistics reveal a startling increase in sexual activity among teenagers as reflected by the huge surge in teenage pregnancies and abortions. The widespread epidemic of AIDS and the increasing prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases have further made it imperative for us to act in an efficient manner. Safe sex is a matter of urgency and high priority. However, there are some groups who question sexual education on the premise that it would only provoke young students into early sexual activity. Under these circumstances, sex education for high school children has become a much-debated topic. Let us have some statistical insight into the problem so that…...



Bradley Buhro, "A Report on Teenage Sexuality," Accessed on May 9th 2004,

Global Strategy Group, "Memorandum: recent Polls in Washington," Accessed on May 9th 2004,

Sex Education
Pages: 10 Words: 2628

Sex Education Annotated Bibliography
One of the most divisive topics in education is undoubtedly the debate over the degree to which sexual health education should be incorporated into public schools. The topic attracts a great deal of impassioned argument for perspectives at either end of the spectrum of inclusion, ranging from advocacy of sexual education being left to the domain of family-based education in the home to the inclusion of contraceptive method teachings in order to promote healthy sexual behaviors.

While the opposition to including sexual health education into the public school curriculum is not entirely faith-based, the resurgence of the religious right-wing in the United States has resulted in a great deal of the anti-sexual health education theory and rhetoric having overtly Christian overtones. The promulgation of the benefit of the inclusion of sexual education does not have as cohesive a philosophical stance, with arguments in its favor ranging from the…...



Weinstein, Rebecca B.; Walsh, Jennifer L.; Ward, L. Monique. "Testing a New Measure of Sexual Health Knowledge and Its Connections to Students' Sex Education, Communication, Confidence, and Condom Use" International Journal of Sexual Health 20.3 (2008).

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Sex Education For Almost a Century Sex
Pages: 5 Words: 1616

Sex Education:
For almost a century, sex education has been taught in schools across various countries worldwide in different forms to an extent that it has become a major feature of many schools. However, the specific aspects of sex education that should be taught generally vary between countries though most of them address physiological development, the basics of reproduction as well as sexual health, safety, and practice. Actually, some countries have made sex education a compulsory part of schooling, a legislation that has generated huge criticism, especially from religious groups. These critics have raised their opposition on the basis that sex education is permissive for the sexual relationships of young people and therefore ethically corrosive. On the contrary, supporters of sex education in schools have argued that it delays the age of initial intercourse, prevents sexually transmitted diseases, provides helpful information about sexuality and sexual expression, and prevents teenage pregnancy.

The Sex…...



Bibby, A. (2010, April 29). Schools, Not Parents, Should Teach Kids About Sex. Retrieved

September 13, 2012, from 

Masland, M. (n.d.). Carnal Knowledge: The Sex ed Debate. Retrieved September 13, 2012, from 

McLane, M.N. (2007, January). The Crucible: What's at Stake in the Sex-ed Wars. Boston Review, 32(1), 27-30.

Sex Education in Addressing This
Pages: 7 Words: 2093

Curriculum must provide principals special powers to organize the events overstepping conventions. (Burke, 1970)
There could be widespread programs that could be conducted by NGOs. The NGO or the Non-governmental organization is ideal and charitable enough for providing seminars group therapy counseling and sex education outside the school hours or in special meetings. One to one counseling for children is also possible. Such activity will also bring about not only education but facts of child abuse, wrong company and abuse by children of drugs and other evil practices.

Benefits of the Programs

The sex education program will in the light of what it has achieved in the western countries partly succeed in removing premarital unprotected sex and make the youth aware of the consequences of the actions. More importantly it could remove the spreading of AIDS and other diseases. (Burke, 1970) Since group activities tend to end in criminal actions, the knowledge…...



Blake, Simon; Katrak, Zarine. (2002) "Faith, Values and Sex and Relationships

Education: Addressing the Issues National Children's Bureau" NCB.

Burke, Susan. (1970) "Responsible parenthood and sex education: proceedings of a Working Group held in Tunisia, November 1969" International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Chant, Sylvia H; McIlwaine, Cathy. (1998) "Three generations, two genders, one world: women and men in a changing century" Zed Books.

Sex Education in Schools Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1695

(Speaking Out About Sex Ed) look at some other countries and their greater success in implementing a program to address the unwanted pregnancy and risk of infection in teenagers may provide the answer to this controversy. In countries like England, Canada, Sweden, France and Holland, where the age at first intercourse is similar to that of the U.S., they have managed to keep the teenage pregnancy rates less than half the level as seen in the U.S. These countries have sex education in their schools and it is comprehensive in that it includes a policy totally in favor of sex education, frankness and openness about sex, consistent information throughout society and access to contraceptives. It is also seen that it is better to start sex education at the lower class levels, maybe even as early as kindergarten. (Does Sex Education Work?)
In conclusion policy makers, parents and those in the…...



Back to School with the Religious Right. -Sexuality Education." Retrieved at   on 18 November, 2004 

DeCarlo, Pamela. "Does Sex Education Work"? Retrieved at   Accessed on 18 November, 2004 .

Health and Care in Schools: The State of Sex Education in American Schools." (February 2004) Volume: 4; No: 12. Retrieved at   Accessed on 18 November, 2004 .

Parker, J. Terry. "School-Based Sex Education: A New Millennium Update." Eric educational Reports. Retrieved from Accessed on 18 November, 2004.

Sex Education Providing Appropriate Sex
Pages: 6 Words: 2472

These ae vey impotant changes since they signal that the individual is now eady to have childen. Howeve, while they may be physically capable of conceiving a child, adolescents at the beginning of pubety ae not mentally o emotionally eady fo the esponsibility of childcae and management.
Thee ae othe physical changes associated with the peiod of pubety. These physical changes ae called the development of the seconday sexual chaacteistics. This athe long-tem efes to some specific physical changes that visibly signify that you ae no longe a child but you ae becoming an adult. Fo gils these changes include the development and enlagement of beasts, the pesence of pubic hai, functioning sex glands, pimples may become pesent on the face, and they may acquie hai in the pits of the am. Anothe moe noticeable change is that of the shape of the gil, the hips become moe ounded and…...


references. There may also be feelings that they are unloved and sometimes there is rebellious behavior. Therefore, conflict with parents is often a part of this time. Both the adolescent and the parent need to realize that this is a temporary phase, brought on by hormones and other emotional challenges. If it is taken in this light the period can be less stressful for both parties (Sex education 2010).

Masturbation amongst boys is a very popular feature of this period. Masturbation provides boys with an outlet for their sexual urges. Masturbation is not as popular among girls and is often not a concern for many girls. Boys however are often terrified by stories about what may happen to them if they masturbate. All these stories are unfounded. There is no truth to them. Masturbation is a healthy practice and can often be a legitimate release for young persons who do not desire to engage in sexual intercourse.

Masturbation is also found in animals who would rub their rubbing their sexual organs against trees. Masturbation and wet dreams are a natural part of keeping the sex organs functioning and of assisting in sexual control. Masturbation is not a major problem for females because the sex hormone estrogen does not produce intense feeling of sexual stimulation, as opposed to the male hormone testosterone, which does (Prabhu 2010).

An important part of sexuality education is the impartation of values.

Values are things that we hold in high esteem or have very strong feeling about. These are the beliefs we have about critical issues in our lives. Values are important because they give direction to behavior and assist in decision-making. As it relates to sexuality, it is important to have the correct set of values. These values include respect for you, respect for members of the opposite sex, an acceptance that sexuality is natural, normal, and healthy, along with the view that all persons are sexual beings. Additionally, individuals may express their sexuality differently and respect for others means respect for their sexual choices. It is important to remember that your sexual decisions will have effects and consequences for both you and your partner. Finally when thinking about preventing pregnancy and avoiding STI's the most effective method is still abstaining from intercourse.

Sex Education Which Is Sometimes Called Sexuality
Pages: 6 Words: 1707

ex education, which is sometimes called sexuality education or sex and relationships education, is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. It is also about developing young people's skills so that they make informed choices about their behavior, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices. It is widely accepted that young people have a right to sex education, partly because it is a means by which they are helped to protect themselves against abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV / AID. (Forrest, 2003)
In contemporary times, it has come to everyone's knowledge through the media that children are not safe, as several of them have been sexually abused. The biggest reason for this happening is not just the working of ill-minded adults who take advantage of gullible children, but also a lack of awareness on…...



Forrest, S. (Accessed on 19-11-2003) Sex Education that Works.

Whitehead, B. (1994) The Atlantic Monthly; October 1994; The Failure of Sex Education.

Koop, E. (Accessed on 19-11-2003) Middle Childhood at

Sex Education Gender Bias in
Pages: 8 Words: 2674

Thus, the issue of gender bias in sex education has been implied and touched upon by scholars and the public alike. Some studies, theories, and popular viewpoints seem to suggest that comprehensive sex education is biased toward women because it portrays birth control as a woman's issue, placing the burden to practice safe sex on her alone. Others claim that this is not the case, and that men are concerned about birth control and are campaigning for more birth control options. Similarly, some suggest imply that the abstinence-only programs taught in schools portray men as aggressors who only want sex, while females are portrayed as innocents who need to learn to say no, putting the burden on men to be less aggressive and sexually engaged, while others argue that this portrayal of men is unfair.

esearch Data

Although it is scant, research data collaborates the thesis that sex education is gender biased.…...



American Psychological Association. (2005). Based on the Research, Comprehensive

Sex Education is More Effective at Stopping the Spread of HIV Infection, Says APA Committee. Retrieved November 2, 2008, at

Browin, Susan and Shukla, Renu. (September 26, 2000). Sex Ed Nearly Universal for Teen Boys. Retrieved November 3, 2008, at .

Carter, J.B. (2001). Birds, Bees, and Venereal Disease: Toward an Intellectual History of Sex Education. Journal of the History of Sexuality. 10(2), p.213-249.

Sex Education the Importance of
Pages: 3 Words: 1017

Here again, the importance of sex education is imperative.
I decided to talk about the importance of sex education because sex education is not readily available in our schools today. Many schools integrate sex education classes into their curriculum, some schools focus on abstinence-only sex education classes, but many schools are also discouraged from having sex education classes due to parental pressure. Many parents assume that it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children about sex and sexuality. But while the parents share the responsibility of educating their children, as a powerful agent of socialization, schools also need to teach sex education. School environment is important for children and youngsters' development of attitudes toward sex. Many young people learn about sex from their peers, and that is partly the reason why they so often have misleading and false assumptions about sex. "I have been asked questions such as…...


Works Cited

Allerston, Sue and Graham Davies. Sex Education. Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes, 2001.

Blosser, Rianna. "The Importance of Sex Education." 8 Aug. 2007, Web 21 Feb. 2011

Magoon, Kela. Sex Education in Schools. Edina, MN: ABDO Publishing Company, 2010.

"Sex Education in America," NPR, Web 21 Feb. 2011

Sex Education in High School
Pages: 2 Words: 734

Sex education is conducted in schools, but can be a controversial part of the curriculum. There is constant subject as to what should be taught, and at what age. This paper will outline the key issues with respect to sex education in high school.
Sex education in America is taught either in high school or in middle school. The timing and content of sex education is in the hands of individual school districts, and therefore varies considerably around the country. The intent of sex education is to promote sexual health in general. Recognizing the reality that sex is part of human life, the aim to teach students about the realities and risks of sexual activity, and to prepare them with the knowledge that will help them to reduce those risks. This is born of the widespread social recognition that things like HIV / AIDS, teenage pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) are…...


Works Cited:

Tortolero, S., Johnson, K., Peskin, M., Cuccaro, P. & Markham, C. (2011). Dispelling the myth: What parents really think about sex education in schools. Journal of Applied Research on Children. Vol. 2 (2) 1-19.

Whelan, C. (2013). A survey of grade 10 learners. Africa Centre for HIV / AIDS Management. Retrieved May 9, 2013 from

Sex Education How Come the
Pages: 3 Words: 902

In a report that aimed to give recommendations to the American Academy of Pediatrics' updated teen pregnancy policy, pediatric obstetrician-gynecologist at the University of Louisville, Dr. S. Paige Hertweck said "Teaching abstinence but not birth control makes it more likely that once teenagers initiate sexual activity they will have unsafe sex and contract sexually transmitted diseases." (the Associated Press; 2008).
Scientific studies point that adolescents benefit greatly from comprehensive medically accurate sexual education. Demonstrated positive effects of such programs include increased awareness, delay in onset of sex, reduction in frequency of sex and increased use of contraception. One study conducted from 2005 to 2006 surveyed 1,209 teens who completed abstinence-only programs in rural and urban areas and 848 teens in the same communities who had not. It turns out there the two groups' behavior was practically identical as far as sexual behavior is concerned (Mathematica Policy esearch, Inc.; 2007).

Studies also…...



The Associated Press (2008). Doctors denounce abstinence-only education.

Collins, Chris, et al. (2002). Abstinence-only vs. comprehensive sex education. AIDS Policy Research Center & Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, AIDS Research Institute, University of California.

Friedman, Ann. (2008). Let's talk about sex.

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (2007). Impacts of Four Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Education Programs.

Sex Education in Early Childhood
Pages: 7 Words: 2028

Assumptions, Expectations and Roles Freud’s influence began in Europe in the early 20th century. Europe, especially in the region of Germany, was changing dramatically. WWI was brewing as a result of Germany’s rise to power at the end of the 19th century. England, France and Russia felt threatened by Germany’s resurgence. At the same time, the Romantic era was coming to an end, and the modern era was fast approaching—an era in which the Old World characteristics were completely rejected. This occurred, for instance, in Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution (Fitzgerald, 2000). The same revolution was threatening to overthrow the German government during the Weimar Republic. The rise of Hitler in Germany was a direct response to the spread of Communist ideals, which were in direct opposition to the old world values that Hitler wanted to restore to Germany follow the country’s defeat in WWI (Paxton, 2005). For all of these…...



Bloch, M. N. (1992). Critical perspectives on the historical relationship between child development and early childhood education research. Reconceptualizing the early childhood curriculum: Beginning the dialogue, 3-20.

Fitzgerald, S. (2000). Everyday Stalinism. UK: Oxford University Press.

Goebbels, J. (1928). Around the Gedachtniskirche. Germany History Docs. Retrieved from

Gordon, M. (2006). The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber: Weimar Berlin’s Priestess of Debauchery. LA: Feral House.

Jones, E. M. (2000). Libido dominandi: Sexual liberation and political control. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press.

Paxton, R. (2005). Anatomy of Fascism. NY: Vintage.

Pederson, T. (2018). Economics of Libido. New York, NY: Routledge.

PBS. (2015). The Case for Starting Sex Education in Kindergarten. Retrieved from

Sex Education in Schools
Pages: 2 Words: 809

Sex Education in Schools
To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education? To what extent should sex education be left to parents? Who should handle education about STDs?
Sexual education cannot be relegated to parents alone. Schools have a responsibility to educate the next generation, including in personal health. Schools also have a responsibility to educate children in societal norms. While parents are free to indoctrinate students at home in whatever religion parents choose, just as parents can educate their children in whatever particular political philosophy parents choose, it is impossible to instill children with a completely objective and values-free education. Just as schools teach students to be good citizens, they also must teach students about responsible sexual practices, including the need for contraception. There is so much misinformation about contraception, particularly given the proliferation of dubious health information on the Internet, students need to learn credible information…...



Jackson, E. (2013). Stress relief: The role of exercise in stress management. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 17(3): 14-19. Retrieved from: healthfitness/Fulltext/2013/05000/STRESS_RELIEF__The_Role_of_Exercise_in_Stress. 6.aspx

Sex Education done the Right Way
Pages: 2 Words: 738

When it comes to developing and implementing a sexual education curriculum for minor children, that sort of thing has to be done in a particular and delicate way. However, it is something that can and should be done. Indeed, it is important for children of all ages to know what they need to know before they learn on their own or from the wrong sources. Either one of those can lead to important things being missed and very big mistakes being made. Rather than allow for an information void to lead to a unplanned pregnancy or the contraction of a sexually transmitted disease, it is obviously preferable to inform the children what is important so that they are armed with the information when the time comes rather than after the fact. Analysis
There are a few important dimensions and facets of a sexual education program that must be defined and mapped out.…...



Advocates for Youth. (2017). Effective Sex Education. Retrieved 22

August 2017, from  

effective-sex-education -


Can you help me write my argumentative essay about sex education?
Words: 440

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong women\'s rights thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 576

Crafting a Compelling Women's Rights Thesis Statement


A strong thesis statement is the cornerstone of any persuasive essay, and in the realm of women's rights, it is essential to convey a clear and compelling argument. A well-crafted thesis statement should succinctly present the reader with the writer's stance on the issue, providing a roadmap for the essay to follow. Here is a comprehensive guide to formulating an effective women's rights thesis statement.

Understanding the Issue

Before embarking on crafting a thesis statement, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the issue at hand. This involves delving into the historical, legal, and....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Persuasive?
Words: 256

1. The importance of voting in local and national elections
2. Why recycling and reducing waste is crucial for the environment
3. The benefits of volunteering in your community
4. The negative effects of social media on mental health
5. The need for stricter gun control laws in the United States
6. The importance of implementing a minimum wage increase
7. Why animal testing should be banned
8. The benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation
9. The necessity of providing free healthcare for all citizens
10. The importance of taking action against climate change.
11. The impact of fast fashion on the environment and why consumers....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on sexual abuse. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 356

1. The impact of sexual abuse on the victim's mental and emotional well-being
2. How societal attitudes towards sexual abuse influence reporting and support for survivors
3. The role of institutions and systems in preventing and addressing sexual abuse
4. Exploring the intersectionality of sexual abuse with factors such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status
5. The long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse on adult survivors
6. Examining the trauma-informed approach to supporting survivors of sexual abuse
7. Exploring the prevalence of sexual abuse within different cultural and religious communities
8. The portrayal of sexual abuse in media and its....

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